
Among all the artists performing at the Fourth International Piano Duo Festival, the Italian duo Pianistico di Firenze—composed of Sara Bartolucci and Rodolfo Alessandrini—is sure to be the standout performance of the program of renowned duet performers from Europe and …

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San Francisco’s premiere Italian cultural club, Il Cenacolo, held its annual business meeting on June 28th, where the membership elected new leadership to continue the oversight of the eighty-four year old organization.  Don Lewis, a member of the club since …

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Dear Readers,   June jottings with an Italian connection: Barilla, the world’s biggest pasta maker, recently invested 400 million euros to develop new types of pasta and boost sales in North America.   ***   Bologna University, in 1776, hired …

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Arata Fine Art Gallery is hosting a new art show, as part of the North Beach First Fridays event for the month of July, exhibiting works from the private collection of Alessandro Baccari.   Mr. Baccari was born and raised …

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In principio erano una parentesi e un punto e virgola, e se ne stavano ognuno per conto suo esercitando anonimamente la propria missione nei perimetri della punteggiatura internazionale.   Le parentesi spezzavano i periodi senza particolari meriti, facendo da sentinelle …

By Staff

Fotografa, attrice, presentatrice, modella, reporter: una vita sempre di corsa. Due genitori intriganti e misteriosi: soprattutto bellissimi, Roberto Rossellini e Ingrid Bergman. L’Oceano varcato centinaia di volte, Roma, New York e la costa West nel cuore. Spesso protagonista delle copertine …

By Staff

Happy days are here again!  On Sunday, June 24, 2012 Families of Italian Lineage held its first summer picnic.    The picnics are very special events for this popular organization.  E ach year we have more members and guests who …

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The first coffee house in Europe opened in Venice, Italy in 1647 and, so far as anyone can tell, it took over a century to get there from its place of origin. To explain, we need to go back to …

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The Patrons of Italian Culture will hold their annual “Ferragosto”, Sunday afternoon, August 12.    The theme for this year’s event will be a “Venetian Gondola Get-a-Way” and will be held ‘beach-side’ at the beautiful Belmont Shores lagoon in Long …

By Staff

The Grand Lodge of California of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) held its 76th annual convention at the Peppermill Hotel in Reno, Nevada this past week, on June 28th, 29th and 30th.  With delegates from the Grand …

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