
In principio erano una parentesi e un punto e virgola, e se ne stavano ognuno per conto suo esercitando anonimamente la propria missione nei perimetri della punteggiatura internazionale.   Le parentesi spezzavano i periodi senza particolari meriti, facendo da sentinelle …

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C’è un momento nella vita in cui ci sentiamo pronti a prendere il mare. Abbiamo la capacità di mantenerci a galla, le nostre vele desiderose di vento, le nostre emozioni esaltate, forti e potenti. Ci sentiamo i capitani della nostra …

By Staff

Among all the food themed events in the Los Angeles area, the Calabasas Malibu Wine & Food Festival is for sure one of the best we have visited. It must be because of the perfect combination of quality, variety, and …

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Double celebration for Mr. Robert Barbera, publisher of L’Italo-Americano. On the occasion of his 80th birthday, he has been awarded with a medal from “Ordine della Stella d’Italia”, one of the most important acknowledgments assigned by the Italian Government.   …

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Buffalo Mozzarella With Roasted Tomatoes & Peppers I like dishes such as this one that I can prep ahead and simply assemble when needed, particularly when I’m entertaining in the heat of the summer. Just as I usually say, any …

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The first coffee house in Europe opened in Venice, Italy in 1647 and, so far as anyone can tell, it took over a century to get there from its place of origin. To explain, we need to go back to …

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Fotografa, attrice, presentatrice, modella, reporter: una vita sempre di corsa. Due genitori intriganti e misteriosi: soprattutto bellissimi, Roberto Rossellini e Ingrid Bergman. L’Oceano varcato centinaia di volte, Roma, New York e la costa West nel cuore. Spesso protagonista delle copertine …

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Dear Readers,   June jottings with an Italian connection: Barilla, the world’s biggest pasta maker, recently invested 400 million euros to develop new types of pasta and boost sales in North America.   ***   Bologna University, in 1776, hired …

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St. Peter’s Italian Catholic Church, Los Angeles – Located in the old section of Los Angeles, formerly Little Italy, St. Peter’s is a beacon of hope for Italians and those in need of help.   It’s hard to believe that …

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The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) celebrated the rich heritage of Italians and Italian Americans last week at its West Coast Gala, which was held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.   Silicon Valley leaders, such as ClearStreet’s Kim …

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