Have you ever wondered why, when Italians answer the phone, they always say “Pronto?” First of all: what does that pronto word mean? It means, quite simply, “I am ready.” And what does it have to do with answering the …
We all use it, but where does it come from, really? And how should we translate it into English? These are the two, most pressing questions associated with our expression of the day, alla faccia (ahl-la fah-tcha). According to our …
Ah, l’Italia! Paese di Santi, navigatori e poeti! Have you ever asked yourself why, historically, the people of Italy are seen as such? It seems to be particularly apt this time of the year, the fact that — according to …
L’Aquila, capoluogo dell’Abruzzo, è da sempre la città dove l’acqua è di casa. Forse non tutti sanno che il nome stesso, ‘Aquila’, a dispetto di una diffusa opinione che vuole che provenga dal maestoso rapace simbolo imperiale del presunto fondatore, …
If you don’t know how to use it, you don’t know how to translate it. There is a lot of truth in these words, especially for terms like figurati (fee-goo-rah-tee), whose actual meaning has nothing to do with its etymology and …
On the occasion of the fifth edition of the World Week of Italian Cuisine, that will take place from November 15th to November 22nd, the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles presents a copious menu of initiatives to celebrate the importance of post …
Many believe that scaramanzia is a thing of the South, but nothing is further from the truth. I am from the North-West and I, too, grew up knowing that opening an umbrella inside the house porta sfortuna and that a …
Kings of the internet, rulers of our homes, cats have also another important role in Italy: they are emperors of the Città Eterna. If you visited Rome, you know felines are revered and respected around its streets and that they …
Ti voglio bene (tee voh-llioh bai-nai) is the sweetest of Italian expressions. Unlike its more theatrical sister, ti amo, “ti voglio bene” tends to be more subtle but also more authentic. When you say “ ti voglio bene,” you’re usually …
La scoperta archeologica di dieci imponenti bassorilievi rupestri dell’VIII sec. a.C. raffiguranti il sovrano e i grandi dei d’Assiria nel sito archeologico di Faida (a 50 km da Mosul nel Kurdistan iracheno settentrionale) ha vinto il premio mondiale per l’archeologia …