Simone Schiavinato

Sports serve as a social model, a tool for gathering and integration, an avenue for inclusion and participation, and a counter to exclusion. Engaging in sports is fundamentally a burst of energy dedicated to physical well-being, essential for healthy growth, …

The appeal of space is undeniable, and it’s no wonder that becoming an astronaut is among the dreams of many children. While only a select few will realize this dream, after years of rigorous study, intense preparation, and a dose …

“The Italian Republic: no longer a romantic dream of conspirators, an epic vision of poets; no longer a flag of rebellion and insurrection. The Italian Republic: a peaceful and lawful reality descended from the heights of ideals into the concrete …

The focus isn’t on the rankings, although they do highlight the obvious. When the World’s 50 Best Beaches, drawing on the opinions of over a thousand travel journalists, industry experts, and influencers, places the spectacular Cala Mariolu in Sardinia second …

It’s not just an event for industry insiders or those looking to furnish their homes: Milan is the capital of new trends, technological innovations, and also of sustainable materials and solutions. The Salone del Mobile.Milano is presented as a cultural …

Photography has the unique ability to reveal details that often go unnoticed in everyday life. It helps us remember and offers a glimpse into our recent past. It captures emotions and thoughts, showing what attracted the photographer, and why a …

Why do so few people know the names and works of Artemisia Gentileschi or Rosalba Carriera? Art history has poorly and inadequately documented the work of these two talented artists, who nonetheless played an important role in Italian culture and …

The greatest cultural legacy of Italy is its millennia-long history of intersections, contaminations, influences, mixtures, invasions, immigrations, emigrations, returns, travels, and contacts. From its role as an expansive power to becoming a coveted conquest target, the Italian peninsula has historically …

Believing in an idea, dreaming of effecting change, relying on one’s own convictions, and striving relentlessly to manifest them into reality – this, fundamentally, is what propelled millions of immigrants to venture to the Americas and roll up their sleeves …

A Consulate is a bastion of Italianness. It serves as an agency through which the Italian Republic exercises public, administrative, and sometimes jurisdictional functions within the territory of another State. Beyond diplomatic relations, it facilitates the development of commercial ties …