Many are the young Italians coming to the U.S. looking for new opportunities; only a few though make their way into a very competitive market.
From the experience and the enthusiasm of Daniele Compatangelo and Manuel Di Cristo was born a quite unique project. Coming from different but complementary backgrounds, Compatangelo and Di Cristo joined their ideas, their skills and their previous experience, respectively with Compatangelo International Journalism and CREATIVEbrains, to create something new in the American market: an Italian and European media agency based in North America, specialized in publicity, event planning, journalism and visual communication.
Daniele Compatangelo and Manuel Di Cristo
Daniele Compatangelo and Manuel Di Cristo
What makes this project smart and unique? Basically, the idea of offering a clear and direct response to new market needs and trends, with a creative approach. “When American clients want to start an overseas project,” explains Compatangelo, “they normally have to go through local agencies, which will then contact European agencies. Communication becomes harder, the cost raises, and an approach or strategy that can be successful in the U.S. might not be so appealing to a foreign audience.”
CIJ and CREATIVEbrains cut the language barrier thanks to their international staff, as well as the cultural barrier, thanks to the knowledge of both the American and the European realities. “Explaining in your native language your own needs and expectations helps a lot when you want to reach a certain goal,” explain the two owners. “Plus, our previous experience in the international market has created a net of contacts between the U.S. and Europe that makes our work faster and truly efficient.”
Daniele and Manuel came to California, observed customers’ needs, tried to find out what was missing, and turned it into a reality. The financial crisis changed the way individuals and companies administer their resources, and this efficient, expedited service is their answer. “We cover all the aspects, including public relations, social media, branding and marketing, event planning and journalism. For this reason we can create and develop campaign strategies based on individual needs and purposes; we can take care of the entire process until we reach the customer’s goal. “
CIJ and CREATIVEbrains just started their partnership and they are already making a name for themselves; several big companies and agencies have requested their services, and many more are expected. This is their way to bring something new and significant to both our country and the U.S., directly from Hollywood.
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