The Italian verb rafforzare (rahf-fohr-tsah-rai) comes from the union of the prefix “ra-“, which indicates repetition or reinforcement, and the root noun forza. The latter, in turn, comes from the Latin adjective fortis, which gave the late Latin noun fortia. Rafforzare was used for the first time in the 13th century.
Rafforzare therefore, means to strengthen, to reinforce, to make more robust. It’s frequently used in both a physical and metaphorical sense.
In physical terms, it’s used to refer to the action of making an object, structure, or material stronger or more resistant. For instance, Il nuovo design del ponte lo rafforza contro i terremoti, translates to “The new design of the bridge strengthens it against earthquakes.
When used metaphorically, rafforzare indicates the action of making an argument, a point of view, a belief, a relationship, or a feeling more solid or convincing. For example, Le recenti notizie rafforzano la sua opinione sulla politica internazionale” translates to “Recent news strengthens her views on international politics.”
Rafforzare is also used in the context of personal improvement or development, as in improving one’s skills, abilities, or health. For example, Sto prendendo lezioni di pianoforte per rafforzare le mie abilità musicali, which means “I am taking piano lessons to strengthen my musical skills.”
In economics, it is used to talk about strengthening an economic situation or the financial position of a company. For instance, L’acquisto di quella startup ha rafforzato la posizione dell’azienda sul mercato, translates to “The acquisition of that startup strengthened the company’s position in the market.”
In a medical context, rafforzare is used to refer to strengthening health or an organ. For example, Una dieta equilibrata aiuta a rafforzare il sistema immunitario, translates to “A balanced diet helps to strengthen the immune system.”