Second round for Lorenzo Cherubini, AKA Jovanotti, in Los Angeles. The Italian pop singer and songwriter stopped by Amoeba Records on August 13, for a 40 minutes show that was streamed on line. In the past years, many famous and less famous bands hit the stage of the record store, one of the most popular and almost a landmark for music lovers. Playing at Amoeba is not like playing in a usual venue. This is a more intimate show that offers fans the chance to see a band performing in a completely informal atmosphere, and to interact with the artists during and after the show. A totally different experience also for the artists, as they can range over their own music, some remakes, and some talk with fans. And maybe some random customer of the store walks in and discovers that new band he had never heard of before.
What better occasion to introduce Jovanotti and his new anthology, “Italia”, to the American audience.

Jovanotti signing autographs

This might be the reason why we liked this show much better than his last one at El Ray theatre. We saw a more genuine Lorenzo in this short but exciting performance, that left space to old and new hits, from the rap of Penso Positivo and Serenata Rap, to the more melodic Tutto l’Amore che ho and Mezzogiorno.
For those who missed the show, here is the link to see Jovanotti’s performance at Amoeba Records: http://www.
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