Parma and its Province are the homeland of the excellence of some of the Italian culinary cornerstones. Places that are rich in history and their fairy-tale landscapes remind us why Italy is also known as “Il Bel Paese”. We would like to lead you in a special place, where the atmosphere of the Parma law lands is mixed with a contemplative feeling. This landscape hides precious treasures that you won’t find anywhere else like the native home of Giuseppe Verdi, the musician.  Verdi represents one of the most important composer of melodramma in the world. With his opera he has created the Italian culture of “Bel Canto”. He was born and composed some of his most famous operas in Roncole di Busseto, a tiny village near Parma, where you can visit his native house and the church where he was baptised: St Michael Church. This enchanting part of Emilia invites us to stop to admire its cultural riches and warm hospitality.

We visited Busseto, Casa Barezzi, now a museum, where he started his studies and the theatre dedicated to him, a jewel for only 200 spectators.

Busseto, together with its small neighboring fractions, is the heart of the Land of Verdi, distinguished by a simple, gentle way of life, far from overwhelming big cities. We entered the town center of Busseto, marked out by Via Roma and Piazza Verdi, dominated by the 15th-century Palazzo del Comune, the collegiate church of S. Bartolomeo and the Rocca, a stronghold built in 1250.

Busseto and the territory of the Parma lowlands is an authentic world waiting to be discovered, through its landscapes, its great river and its mystery. Here you will come to understand the spirit of Giuseppe Verdi, his tenacity, his grit and his inspiration.

If you are looking something remote, you will find in this side of Emilia, the real Italian experience with small villages with their little roads, the color and the flavour of food tradition.

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