On August 5, 2012 F.I.L. held its final Summer Picnic at the Regional Park in Laguna Niguel with a capacity attendance and a soft breezy day. What could be better?
Chairpersons June Lange and Kate Burra executed a perfect day, even to the smallest detail.  That included the help from member Jon Fults who was in charge of the lunch catered by Newport Rib Co.  The exceptional lunch included: Ribs, Sausage, Beef, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw and Corn Bread with honey butter.
The men and women played Bocce on the official court which was set up by Pete Cirincione.
Some of the members played “Scopa” with Italian cards, while others enjoyed several games of Chess.  The rest of the members enjoyed socializing and taking long walks alongside of the placid lake.  The 6 new members who attended said they thoroughly enjoyed the friendly group and are looking forward to the next F.I.L. Activity.
Now for the “huge surprise”.  Chairpersons, June and Kay were told that it was the birthday of founder Venus Franceschi.  Kay Burra had the sheet cake professionally prepared and it was exceptional.
All the members gathered around the cake and sang “Happy Birthday” and “Buon Compleanno”.  It was a total surprise to Venus, and the secret was well kept by all who attended.  
This active Italian Club is looking forward to visiting the Ronald Reagan Library on Sept. 16 by bus.
October 14, Masquerade Dinner Dance at the Mission Viejo Country Club.
December 8. F.I.L. will end year 2012 with the Gala Christmas Dinner Dance.
For information regarding Families of Italian Lineage, call (949) 363-5348
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