Chiedi all'Avvocato

Italy does not have a specific Visa for investors, but US citizens can however obtain an entry visa under two different categories, depending upon on the type of activities they are willing to carry out.  An individual willing to work …

Everybody would love to take an Educational Sabbatical Year. Who wouldn’t? You could have the possibility to spend an entire year traveling, visiting your favorite places and studying something interesting. All without working! Only you can decide the appropriate timeframe …

Every year, thousands of Italians who, perhaps through old age and fatigue of winter, or through youthful exuberance to see the world and meet like-minded global citizens, wish to make a long term entry to the United States.  Some seek …

Welcome to the inaugural monthly column from the Los Angeles Italian American Lawyers Association:  Chiedere A Un Avvocato!!  (Or, Ask A Lawyer!!).  Each month we will profile a different member of our organization who will share some thoughts about various …

By Staff

Citizenship by ancestry:  Italian citizenship is based upon the principle of “iure sanguinis” (blood right). This means that a child who is born to an Italian father or mother is also an Italian citizen. Citizenship is passed on from parent …

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