The movie “Non Essere Cattivo”, directed by Claudio Caligari and released after his death earlier this year, will be Italy’s candidate for the best foreign-language film award at the 2016 Oscars. The movie was chosen from among nine contenders by a committee at the Italian National Association of Film, Audiovisual and Multimedia Industries (ANICA).
It beat off competition from movies by some top notch directors, including Nanni Moretti’s My Mother (Mia Madre) and Blood of My Blood (Sangue del Mio Sangue) by Marco Bellocchio. Non Essere Cattivo, which was presented out of competition at the 2015 Venice Film Festival, is the story of two friends who struggle to find themselves amid a life of drugs and alcohol.
Caligari lost a long battle with cancer in May. He was 67. The Oscar nominations will be announced January 14, 2016, and the awards ceremony will be held in Los Angeles on February 28, 2016.
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