
Dear Readers,   July is a month with many Italian connections:   July 4, 1776, the signing in Philadelphia of the Declaration of Independence just formalized a quarrel with England that had been going on over ten years.  As you …

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Many of us become more aware of our calories intake as we grow older. Of course there are moments when we allow ourselves to fall off the wagon and indulge in delicious fatty foods.   Usually we target holidays and/or …

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SAN FRANCISCO – June 16-17, 2012 – People flooded the streets of North Beach, that many locals and tourists call San Francisco’s  “Little Italy,” to take part in the longest running street festival. Featuring over 150 arts and crafts booths, …

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On June 10, the opening night of the new permanent art display “Toscana”, an exhibition of oil painting by Tuscan artist Domenico Monteforte  was presented at The Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco, in California. Among the participants at the …

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Scivolata lungo un fianco argilloso della parte alta dell’Etna, sembra poterne toccare la cima emergendo da una vegetazione ricca e varia. Il paesaggio mozzafiato accompagna i percorsi intorno al paese di Maletto, cittadina in provincia di Catania e mentre volgendo …

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The east coast is sweltering. Here in Washington DC, temperatures are expected to top 100 degrees today — and things aren’t expected to cool off anytime soon. So get your grills and ice chests ready, because Old Man Summer is …

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The San Mateo Italian American Social Club Foundation announced eleven winners of its 2012 Scholarship Awards.  Each of the graduating high school seniors was awarded $1,000 cash payable upon college registration.   The respective eleven winners are: Grant Cecil and …

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Grilled Fig And Prosciutto Pasta This is a great fresh, grilled pasta recipe that has an intriguing flavor and is perfect to make when fresh figs hit our stores.     Ingredients: 1 Pound Dried Spaghetti 1 Red Pepper 1/2 …

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The first half of 2112 had a sense of positive change for the comeback of premium wines (those wines over $20.)  The famous (or infamous, depending on your outlook) “Two Buck Chuck”  is finally down in sales after 10 years, …

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Consideratelo un inno alla vita, un’iniezione di fiducia per l’ammaccato, attuale “made in Italy”. Chiudono fabbriche, imprese: capitani d’industria, strangolati dai debiti e dalle tasse, alzano bandiera bianca, trascinando sul lastrico migliaia di lavoratori. Ecco perché – di questi tempi …

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