Perché meravigliarsi se l’Italia cammina coi passi del gambero, praticamente a ritroso, paese preoccupato che, negli ultimi dieci anni, ha avuto lo stesso sviluppo dello Zimbabwe? Ci avevano detto che i nostri figli stanno e staranno peggio di noi. La …
The Columbus Day celebrations held each October throughout the nation mark the high point of Italian Heritage Month, which is as important for Italians as for Americans. Not as well known, is that the Week of Italian Language is …
On Saturday morning, a friend called to seek my advice on that evening’s dinner. “My boyfriend and I are making poached salmon with truffles and shrimp in a cream sauce,” she said. “What type of wine should we drink?” …
Manager e imprenditori a caccia di idee hi-tech per fare business Smau, l’evento fieristico dedicato all’informatica e alle nuove tecnologie, torna a Milano, da mercoledì 17 a venerdì 19 ottobre, alla Fiera Milano City, presentando agli oltre 50.000 visitatori attesi …
Mortadella BiteS This is probably going to be the easiest appetizer recipe you ever made, but it is so good you’ll want to make it a lot, I promise! These mortadella bites can be put together in a few minutes …
Growing up in an Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn is an unforgettable experience. Everyone around me was to some degree, Italian, that is to say that the guys I hung out with were descended from Italian parents, grandparents or great grandparents, …
Mama Marjas, an authentic Italian band and a versatile artist guests of Taste of Italy Finally a band that is truly Italian and really represents part of the Italian music scene. Those who decided to “savor” Taste of Italy till …
L’Italia è un Paese che sin dalle sue origini si è sviluppato in un continuo processo di stratificazione culturale. Le numerose civilizzazioni, infatti, che nel corso dei secoli si sono radicate nella penisola, lasciando ciascuna significative tracce, hanno conferito al …
Fennel, known in Italian as finocchio, is a plant of Mediterranean origin that gives us a piquancy for the kitchen and a graceful plant for our garden. I love the Greek myth about how Prometheus stole fire from the …
Dear Readers, October, official or not, will always be Italian Heritage Month in the heart of Italo-Americans throughout the United States of America. In the 500 years since “Columbus discovered America”, thousands of Italo-Americans had made remarkable contributions to …