
Una nuova figura professionale secondo Orietta Gianjorio All’interno dell’infinito panorama eno-gastronomico di qualità, in particolare quello relativo alla tradizione italiana ed alla rinomata dieta mediterranea, la figura del Degustatore viene quasi sempre ed erroneamente associata sia a quella del Sommelier …

By Staff

Once again, Cathy Burton correctly identified the location of last week’s photograph.  If she keeps this up, she’s going to be awarded a knighthood.  Oh, that’s right…she’s already been awarded a knighthood for her work promoting the Italian language.  Complimenti, …

By Staff

No doubt, you have heard of the Slow Food Movement, but you may not know that it began in Italy with the forerunner organization, Arcigola, which was organized  in 1986 to resist the opening of a McDonald’s near the Spanish …

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Dear Readers,  Abruzzo’s regional capital L’Aquila, suffered a major earthquake, a few hours past midnight on April 6, 2009 and with a devastating force caused major destruction in L’Aquila and surrounding communities. The loss of lives exceeded 300 people and …

By Staff

The Season 2012/2013 of the LA Opera just started, and it is already leaving the audience enchanted. We were at the Opening Night of “Don Giovanni” on September 22, for the masterpiece of the Austrian composer Amadeus Mozart. A filled …

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For the 77th consecutive year, San Francisco’s Italian community gathered together for La Festa della Madonna del Lume, a two-day celebration based on a tradition brought to San Francisco from the little Sicilian fishing village of Porticello. It was a …

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“Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita/ mi ritrovai per una selva oscura/ ché la diritta via era smarrita”. Sono i versi, notissimi, con cui ha inizio il Canto I dell’ “Inferno”. Milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo hanno …

By Staff

The economic news for San Diego and its sister cities in the county is finally pointing up, away from the chill of the deepest recession. Recently I read that residential housing sales are up and the average price per home …

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Like every year since 2002, Italian Folklore has taken over Hollywood, with the annual San Gennaro Feast. The three day event dedicated to the Patron Saint of Naples is a western style version of the New York City festival, which …

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“Da quando ho conosciuto l’arte, questa cella è diventata una prigione” “Fu un’amica a noi cara che ci disse di essere stata poche sere prima a teatro e di avere pianto; non le succedeva da anni. Andammo a quel teatro …

By Staff