
Kicking off Italy’s “Year of Italian Culture in the USA”, the Museo ItaloAmericano is pleased to present the a new exhibit featuring five contemporary Italian artists.   From April 18 through July 21, 2013, in celebration of Italy’s arts the …

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Il pareggio di S. Siro tra Milan e Napoli – risultato giusto, frutto di una partita più intensa che bella – sembra aver definitivamente sancito la fine della rincorsa dei rossoneri verso il secondo posto. Quattro punti di distacco, a …

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Un milione di italiani hanno perduto il lavoro nell’ultimo, infame 2012. E le previsioni, per l’anno corrente, non sono per nulla incoraggianti. Semplificando: quelli che sono stati licenziati lo scorso anno hanno poche possibilità di riguadagnare il posto di lavoro. …

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Rome – When in Rome, the old saying goes, “Do what the Romans do.” Well, if you arrive around April 21st, Romans will be celebrating their city’s 2,766th birthday. Her age, after all, is part of her timeless appeal.   …

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For the past three decades, wine enthusiasts have shuddered when presented with American rosé. The reason? Domestic rosé has long been associated with the cheap, sweet “blush” wines that became popular in the 1980s, like Sutter Home’s White Zinfandel. While …

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A inizio stagione, gli addetti ai lavori si interrogavano sul futuro del Milan – che aveva perso per sopraggiunti limiti d’età gente come Inzaghi, Nesta, van Bommel, Zambrotta, Gattuso e Seedorf; cedendo poi, per ragioni di bilancio Thiago Silva e …

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Dear Readers, On April 14, 1912 the supposedly “unsinkable” luxury liner Titanic sank and Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), born in Bologna, Italy to an Italian businessman and his Scotch-Irish wife, heiress to the Jamison whiskey fortune, was hailed worldwide as a …

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The legend says that in 1178 A.D. the wife of General Altieri, named Stella Beatrice, lay dying and without hope. Suddenly, she jumped up and cried out “I am cured, a lady has awakened me three times and assured me …

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The Italian Consul General of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles COMITES, along with the Harbor area Italian American organizing committee, have announced that a community wide meeting and seminar will take place in San Pedro this coming April 18, …

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North of Phoenix (AZ), just between Sedona and Scottsdale, is Arcosanti. The city, designed to house thousands of residents, seems like a strange ensemble of structures in the middle of nowhere; it is instead the visionary, unfinished project of the …

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