
Dopo la mostra Raffaello e Baldassare Castiglione, il Palazzo Ducale di Urbino dedica una nuova rassegna di alto profilo a un maestro del Rinascimento italiano, Pietro Vannucci detto il Perugino (Città della Pieve, 1448 circa – Fontignano, 1523), con la mostra Perugino, …

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Yes, you read it right, the strawberry tree (or corbezzolo, as it’s known in the Belpaese) is considered one of our country’s symbols. It all started with the words of poet Giovanni Pascoli, representative of the Italian Decadentism, active between …

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To many Italians, especially those who grew up on a diet of bread-and-western-movies, there is nothing more quintessentially American than cowboys.  Anyone wearing a Stetson hat and riding a horse was a hero to many children, back in the day: …

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Pasta alla carbonara and pasta alla puttanesca: staples of central and southern Italian cuisine that, slowly but surely, became common, beloved dishes across the country. With its creaminess and the luxurious combination of guanciale, egg, black pepper and parmesan, carbonara …

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Many Italian-Americans have Neapolitan and Sicilian roots and, among them, a great part has certainly fond memories of their grand parents or parents speaking in the “dialect” of their own native land. Some, I am sure, probably also learned it, …

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Of course gelato is Italian, but one of its most popular varieties, the ice cream cone – or cono gelato – is the brainchild of an Italian, too,  and that the US had part in its creation. There is very …

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Italia campione d’Europa! How couldn’t we mention such an awesome success for our soccer national team, especially when it gives us the opportunity to talk about an interesting word? Campione (plural campioni, cahm-peeoh-nee) means “champion” or “winner” and who doesn’t …

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If you grew up in an Italian household, you have certainly been on the receiving end of millions of zitto (zeet-toh) during your childhood. Literally, zitto means “silent,” but it is most often used with the verb stare to create …

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Every Italian of working age long for their ferie (fai-ree-ai). With ferie, we usually mean the  paid rest days every worker is entitled to. We’d say “leave,” “annual leave” or quite simply “time off” in English, but the Italian ferie …

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Sino al 24 ottobre nelle Sale Viscontee del Castello Sforzesco di Milano la mostra “Il Corpo e l’Anima, da Donatello a Michelangelo. Scultura italiana del Rinascimento”, promossa e prodotta da Comune di Milano-Cultura, Castello Sforzesco, Musée du Louvre e realizzata grazie a …

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