LOS ANGELES. 12/12/12 was truly a special day for the members and friends of the Abruzzesi and Molisani Club that gathered at Villa Scalabrini in Sunland for their Christmas Party.
It was truly a joyous occasion. After finding their seats at the beautifully decorated round tables, within a few seconds everybody got in the Christmas spirit. They all seemed happy for the opportunity to hug one another and were particularly delighted to welcome Father Vincentini, the new spiritual director and administrator of the Villa. Father Vincentini arrived a few days ago to replace Fr. Luigi Piran who has been reassigned to the St. Peter’s Italian Church in downtown Los Angeles.
Then Dan Olivo, a true professional in the entertaining world, arrived accompanied by his charming parents Maria and Rocco Olivo. It took Dan only a few minutes to connect his electronic sound equipment. Adopting for the occasion Frank Sinatra’s classic style, Dan sang with his typical melodious baritone voice a variety of Christmas carols. During a break Adelio Di Gregorio replaced Dan Olivo for a short time inviting all attendants to sing along some of the most popular carols. Adelio, a vice president of the club, sings regularly in the choir of the Villa Scalabrini’s chapel during mass.
All of a sudden, pre-announced by the typical “Oh! Oh! Oh! ‘and by the neat sound of a ‘special bell’, Santa Claus made his appearance in the hall. Alex Cicone, elegantly dressed up in red as the Santa Claus tradition demands and wearing customary long white hair and beard, walked through the tables, swinging a bell that truly had a brilliant, sharp sound. As Alex proudly explained, the bell is a very special “campana” that he purchased years ago in Agnone, Molise at the centuries-old Marinelli foundry.
Clarita and Darryl Gustafson
Clarita and Darryl Gustafson
The Marinelli family, the original owner of the foundry, was awarded the title of “Pontificial Foundry” for supplying bells to the Vatican for several centuries. Alex is very boastful about his purchase and rightly so, whenever he has a chance to play Santa Claus he’s happy to use the ‘famous bell’ from Agnone.
For the event, Guy Masciotra provided a selection of antipasto, as bruschetta, cheese, olives, cold meat, prosciutto, while the full dinner was prepared by Nick D’Egidio at his unique Portofino restaurant in La Habra: it consisted of veal, fish, eggplant, tortellini, penne al ragu, salad, dessert (tiramisù), wine, soda, coffee. The food was truly delicious and although there was not much room for dancing, a few people found enough space for a couple of tangos.
This Christmas party was one of the best organized events of the season. Special thanks to president Saverio Ficocelli, Tino Petrilli and Adelio di Gregorio for a job well done.
We take this opportunity to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in good health and great harmony.