Abruzzesi & Molisani di California Celebrated their 23rd Anniversary
On Sunday, January 27, 2013 approximately 70 members and relatives of the Abruzzesi & Molisani di California gathered in the beautiful Verdugo hall of the elegant Castaway Restaurant in Burbank to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the club.
The event was organized extremely well by a few key members that are also original founders of the association. The entertainment was provided by the Sicilian Band of Tony Ciammaritano who is gifted with a powerful tenor voice. During the five hour dinner-dance, maestro Ciammaritano was supported occasionally by Daniele Olivo, a well-known baritone of Southern California. Both performers splendidly sang several Italian tunes and melodies that filled everybody with enthusiasm and nostalgia, truly touching the hearts of all the people who enjoy fine music and selected harmonies.
Angelo Palazzo, recipient of the “Golden Pin” award
Angelo Palazzo, recipient of the “Golden Pin” award
During a brief intermission the club’s president Saverio Ficocelli presented member Angelo Palazzo with the special “Distintivo d’Oro”, the Golden Pin, that is a very prestigious Italian award bestowed by La Regione Abruzzi on the most meritorious members of the club. Even though such members presently live several thousands of miles away from the land of their ancestors, they consistently prove their loyalty and dedication to the country that welcomed them and gave them an opportunity to develop their talent. It is a fact that through their devotion and hard work they keep bringing glory and prestige to their new homeland, even though they never cease loving the country where their roots originated. La Regione Abruzzi is proud of their children that, although scattered in every country of the world, continue to bring glory and prestige to Italy and to their beloved regions Abruzzi & Molise.
Warmest congratulations to Angelo Palazzo who is not only one of the original founders of the Association but also an honorable and sincere person admired and respected by the whole Italian community.
When Angelo returned to his table from the podium where president Ficocelli, Adelio Di Gregorio and Sabatino Petrilli awarded him with the “Golden Pin”, all the Italians present in the hall felt proud of him for deserving such an honor, but at the same time felt proud of their Italian heritage.
The anniversary celebration is definitely one of the most sentimental events for all Abruzzesi and Molisani: the sincere love for one another showed in the eyes of each of them and their visual expression proved how much they truly care for one another.
Everybody thoroughly enjoyed this intimate gathering. The food provided by the chefs of the Castaway was particularly well prepared while the atmosphere in the Verdugo hall was one of the most pleasant ever experienced. Even the waiters seemed to enjoy pampering the customers at each table showing extra care and attention; they clearly demonstrated their willingness to please, bringing extra desserts or additional bottles of wine. At the tables the friendliness among the guests was so evident that most people felt like at home surrounded by intimate members of their own family.
In the hall everybody genuinely enjoyed themselves and had good time either conversing with one another or dancing. The music and the popular Italian tunes filled everybody’s heart with nostalgia and memories of the past. What a pleasant way of celebrating the club’s anniversary. It’s easy to understand why the Abruzzesi and Molisani Club is always admired by other Italian clubs and associations of the Los Angeles area.