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Da oltre sette secoli c’è una speciale ricorrenza religiosa che rende la città di Assisi meta di pellegrinaggio per milioni di fedeli da ogni parte del mondo: la Festa del Perdono, la cui celebrazione si tiene ogni 2 agosto.   …

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I didn’t get Verona’s discount tourism card when I was there last Spring, but I did print out some of the free walking itineraries from their website.  I’m so glad I did, or else I never would’ve stumbled upon Giardino …

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 As festa season in the San Francisco Bay Area continues to unfold, Italians, Italian-Americans and Italophiles are gathering to gorge on all the Italianità they can get their hands on.  From Sacramento to San Jose, and from Stockton to San …

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La stazione centrale di Santa Maria Novella a Firenze è per me un Leviatano che mi incute timore, rimbombante com’è di rumori, affollata com’è di passeggeri che i treni scaricano in continuazione sui marciapiedi strapieni. Tutti camminano di furia scansando …

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ROME - Silvio Berlusconi said he was “the victim of an unequalled judicial attack”. Italy’s supreme Court of Cassation up-held a tax-fraud conviction making a four-year prison sentence definitive. This makes him ineligible to run in future elections.   A good …

Kansas City, Missouri, sede dei Royals, una delle squadre professionistiche della Major League di baseball. Un club che vive un momento di oggettiva decadenza, non essendo più riuscito a qualificarsi, da diversi anni, ai play-offs che assegnano il titolo.   …

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A Gubbio, alla Galleria Espositiva di Palazzo Pretorio, doppia personale di pittura: “Se l’arte non c’è si crea” di Alberto Baumann e Giovanni Cumbat.    Solo l’arte può salvare il mondo e non soltanto per rieducare l’uomo, ma anche per …

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She possesses a certain light.  Like an archangel illuminating your pathway.  You can’t see what lies ahead, but no worry.  You are illuminated patiently and compassionately one word at a time. Rossella Chiolini was born and raised in Pavia.  A …

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ROME - “Culture is the heart of our country and deserves more care” and it is “our responsibility to make the site of Pompeii available for the world” said the premier Letta at the end of the last Council of Ministers. …

It was Saturday afternoon when a blue Dodge suddenly ran down the crowd along the Venice Beach boardwalk. The area is packed every day with residents and tourists strolling and shopping, who are even more numerous at that time of …