Terms and Conditions

Contributions should be sent to us electronically. Other methods are possible – but only in exceptional circumstances.

We require your registration to become a contributor. Upon registering we will review your request and, once approved, you will be sent a password that will allow you to upload content directly to the ItaloAmericano.com website.

All contributor submissions are subject to review and editing by ItaloAmericano.com, if accepted, posted within 5 business days. We do not censor content but check for factual accuracy and grammar. Submissions must adhere to the ItaloAmericano.com editorial guidelines (see below).

While contributors are not paid for their work, you will be credited for everything you submit, and you are free to place a link to your personal blog/website at the bottom of your contributed item. L’Italo-Americano will retain the copyright of any material submitted and published unless guidelines referencing the content submitted were previously discussed with the author.

Before you start submitting articles, calendar events, and slideshow images, please read our Submission Guidelines. They describe the kinds of content our editors will accept on ItaloAmericano.com website.

Photographs, Manuscripts and Artwork sent to our office, even if not used, will not be returned.

These guidelines apply to all content submitted to ItaloAmericano.com. ItaloAmericano.com editors may decline your submission if it does not follow all guidelines. You can always contact us if you’re unclear about any guidelines or communication you receive from us, but guidelines are interpreted at editors’ discretion.

Editorial Guidelines

These guidelines apply to all content submitted to ItaloAmericano.com. ItaloAmericano.com editors may decline your submission if it does not follow all guidelines. You can always contact us if you’re unclear about any guidelines or communication you receive from us, but guidelines are interpreted at editors’ discretion.

Be authentic and unique

It should always be clear that your content comes from YOU, and that no one else in the world could have created it. Submit content on topics that you’re passionate, knowledgeable, and insightful about. Use the first-person voice when appropriate, and make clear in your content how your personal experiences inform your statements and topic choices.

Be relevant, informative, useful, and engaging

Imagine that you are a reader browsing for information on your intended topic. What information do you need to be not only satisfied, but thrilled with the resource you chose? Make sure that each piece of content is written to thoroughly inform and/or delight its intended audience.

Be concise

Online attention spans are short. For most topics, the ideal article length is 400 to 500 words. Construct your articles by beginning with a few key points and expanding upon them, using only as many words as are necessary to convey essential information. Use page formatting (e.g., bolded sub-headings) to guide your readers to your most important points. (Too much to say? Break your topic into more-specific chunks that can each stand alone as useful articles.)

Write strong, descriptive headlines

A strong headline summarizes your content succinctly, and leads with the critically important information that a reader will use either to find your content through search engines or to choose to click your piece from among a list of stories on a landing page. Tell readers why they should view your story, and do so in your first 65 characters (only 65 characters of your headline will appear on most search engine results pages).

Be accurate, and cite your sources

Any information you provide that is neither common knowledge nor clearly established as something you’ve personally experienced must be drawn from a credible, cited source. In the text, immediately attribute any specific facts and quotes to their source, and link to the specific page that verifies your assertion. At the end of your content, list any authoritative sources that informed your content as a whole, using a format that allows any reader to easily access each source. Acceptable authorities include government agencies, scientific studies, established online or print publications, and articles by credentialed professionals. Do not use Wikipedia articles or other forms of user-generated content as authoritative sources.

Images, Slideshow, and Calendar Events

Please review the following guidelines before uploading images, or calendar events.


Images uploaded to ItaloAmericano.com must fall into one of the following categories:

• You created the image yourself and own all the rights related to the subject matter in the image
• The image is a publicity photo taken from a free online press kit (please provide source)
• You licensed the image from a Stock Photography website (please include rights reference info)

You must follow these guidelines when uploading an image. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing guidelines, publishing infringing images may lead to a lifetime ban from ItaloAmericano.com. Submitted images are reviewed by staff before publication. However it is solely your responsibility to ensure you have all necessary rights to publish any image with ItaloAmericano.com pursuant to our guidelines. Blurry or irrelevant images (including author portraits) or images from unapproved sources may be deleted without notification.; Please do not embed images (or videos) in the text field of a submission. Image files must be in JPEG or GIF format and under 500 Kb.

Calendar Events

Listings Deadline: at least two weeks before event date.

All events will be reviewed and, if accepted, posted within 5 business days. L’Italo-Americano reserves the right to revise, reject or cancel, in whole or in part, any listing for any reason. Please contact the site administrator if you have questions about these guidelines or the event submission process.

Please supply a description of your event in English, we will consider which events fit our intended criteria/category (culinary, dance, fairs, festivals ; flea markets, film, food and wine, lectures ; literature, museums, music, special events, sports, theater, tours, visual arts, classes ; workshops) before approving. All submissions must be Italian-Related Events/Activities.