The hydrofoil is a type of fast watercraft that rises above the water on wing-like foils as it gains speed, reducing drag and allowing for higher speeds. This innovative vessel was invented by Italian engineer Enrico Forlanini, whose work significantly …
The Sagra del Mare di Procida is a culturally rich festival held annually on the island of Procida in the Gulf of Naples. It was first established in 1939 as a way to celebrate Procida’s profound connection to the sea, …
The Italian word altrove (al-troh-vai) translates to “elsewhere” in English. It is a compound of altro, meaning “other” or “another,” and ove, an archaic form of dove, meaning “where.” Thus, altrove literally means “another where” or “somewhere else.” Altrove is …
Tod’s is an iconic Italian brand synonymous with luxury leather goods, known primarily for its exquisite shoes and handbags. The brand’s origins date back to the early 20th century when Filippo Della Valle, a skilled cobbler, founded a small shoe …
Today’s word, anzi (ants-ee) is an interesting and versatile term we use a lot in everyday conversations. Etymologically, anzi originates from the Latin word ante, which means “before” or “in front of,” and was first attested in Italian during the …
Ragusa Ibla is a village in the southeastern part of Sicily, approximately 15 miles from the city of Modica and about 60 miles from Catania. It sits on a hilltop in the Hyblaean Mountains and is part of the city …
The Italian word entrambi (en-tram-bee) translates to “both” in English and is used to refer to two people or things considered together. At its heart is the cool idea of being together or sharing something, so we like to think …
Mutti is a well-known Italian tomato processing company, with a rich history dating back to 1899. Founded by Marcellino and Callisto Mutti in the village of Piazza di Basilicanova in the Parma region, the company began its journey as a …
Tinned tuna is a pantry staple found in kitchens around the world, valued for its convenience, versatility, and nutritional benefits. Its invention can be traced back to the innovative efforts of the Florio family in Sicily, a name that has …
San Leo, a picturesque village in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy, more precisely in the Rimini province, is a place filled with history, culture, and good food. Perched on a hilltop, San Leo offers stunning panoramic views of the …