The WineSellar and Brasserie has once again taken the top annual Wine Spectator Grand Award for having one of the greatest wine lists in the world. Tucked into the Sorrento Valley with wine storage, a wine shop, wine bar, bistro …
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone to serve as the Ninth Archbishop of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, replacing the Most Reverend George Hugh Niederauer who is retiring at the age of seventy-six. The descendent …
It was a beautiful summer evening celebrating many aspects of Italian Culture. Cavaliere Rosemary Lucarelli Licata has a lifetime passion for Italian Culture, so it was fitting to bring “Italian Culture to Westlake Village”. While planning to host a summer …
L’olimpiade offre sempre storie di sport e di vita degne di occupare pagine di giornali. Nel caso di Niccolò a sorprendere non è la sua storia ma la sua vita piena di normalità. Lui, Niccolò, è uno di quegli atleti …
If you ask a sommelier to name his favorite grape, there’s a good chance, he’ll say Riesling. If you’re surprised, then it’s probably because you associate Riesling with the sweet, simple German wines of yesteryear, like Blue Nun, Liebfraumilch, and …
Another ancient masterpiece from Italy is about to reach the Getty Villa in Malibu. On loan from the Capitoline Museums in Rome, the spectacular Lion Attacking a Horse will be on view from August 10, 2012 to February 4, 2013, …
It’s summertime and the heat is making us all a little lazy. Getting out to any event in the hot weather is a chore. But going out for an early evening of fun and entertainment at the IMPROV, well, that …
Scherma, arco, pistola: l’Italia delle armi trionfa nella prima giornata di gare a Londra 2012 con un bottino di due ori, due argenti e un bronzo. Con un ultimo tiro da 10 punti Michele Frangilli ha guidato la squadra degli …
A ninety-five year birthday party is a big deal. The San Francisco Italian Athletic Club (SFIAC) is going to celebrate its 95th birthday with its annual Festa Coloniale Italiana on August 11th. This free event is also the club’s way …
Con una staffetta collettiva di giovani atleti Londra 2012 accende il braciere. I fuochi artificiali illuminano a giorno lo Stadio Olimpico. L’auto-ironia di una Regina Bond Girl, l’inventore di Internet che twitta al pubblico ‘questo e’ per tutti voi’, la …