
Slow about deciding where to go in Italy? Don’t worry; you’re just in time to drop in on the third national Slow Food Day in Italy, which will be celebrated on May 17, 2014. The now international Slow Food movement …

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L’origine del nome Morgano si perde nelle leggende popolari tramandate dai poeti. Una di queste narra di una fanciulla chiamata Murgania di tale bellezza da essere adorata come incarnazione di Venere. A lei fu eretto un tempio: la località fu …

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Nove anni dopo la promozione, il Palermo retrocede in Serie B. Questo risultato è il frutto di una stagione progettata male e gestita peggio. La beffa è che gli ultimi due decisivi Ko sono arrivati per mano dell’Udinese di Guidolin …

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When one thinks of natural, organic, or locally-produced food, it’s hard not to image low-sodium, gluten-free, non GMO, tofu—or other equally appealing items.  For the typical Italian-American, who is used to something a little less “Marin County,” it’s easy to …

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Nella Chiesa degli artisti in piazza del Popolo a Roma, lo Stato maggiore del teatro italiano porgeva l’ultimo omaggio a Rossella Falk. Umberto Orsini, Gabriele Lavia, Carlo Giuffrè, Andrea Giordana, Gianfranco Jannuzzo, e tutte le persone più affezionate a Rossella …

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Dear Readers, Francis Albert Sinatra, born December 12, 1915, left us on May 14 1998, but for fans the memories and the melodies linger on, hence my Sinatra column encore.   Thanks to the tabloids, the devil side of Sinatra …

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Cinquantatre anni fa moriva Adriano Olivetti, l’imprenditore geniale e visionario padre dei moderni computer.    Nato ad Ivrea nel 1901 in una famiglia di industriali, fin da ragazzo lavorò nella fabbrica del padre Camillo che aveva introdotto le prime macchine …

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Professor Pasquale Verdicchio knows diversity having grown up Italian in North America.  He also understands integration and the significance of being Italian American.    Born in Naples, Italy, Pasquale’s family immigrated to Vancouver, Canada when he was 14 years old. …

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When mankind discovered that seeds fed him and his family, and also could be saved to insure another year of planting and survival, he achieved a great step forward for us all. All peoples save seeds, and without them we …

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Imagine a red river: that’s how Pasadena looked like last weekend, when 150 Ferrari models invaded the city center. From the newest and most futuristic models to the ‘evergreen’, like the F40 or the Spider of the Seventies’; this year’s …

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