Simone Schiavinato

The first “jewelers” date back to the Upper Paleolithic. Sometimes between 40 thousand and 10 thousand years before Christ, stones, ivory, and seashells started to be used as jewels, symbols of spirituality or power, apotropaic objects, decorations. The history of gold began …

Art wants to stir our emotions and our thoughts, to provoke in us a reaction. It wants to offer new points of view and suggest original ways to interpret what’s around us. One can condemn or can dream of a …

Rudolph Valentino’s story is out of the ordinary. He embodies success at its highest, the chance of reaching the top when doing it, everywhere else, is forbidden, unthinkable, a pure utopia. This is the very meaning many migrants gave to …

Investing in our territory, in its history and culture means investing in our future. Taking care of what we’ve inherited means keeping our social and human heritage – so rich and varied – alive. The quality and state of conservation …

Science has no boundaries. International collaborations are a sine qua non of the work of researchers and their training. And the more does that work rely on the “solitude” of those labs where connections and relationships with the rest of …

If you stay away from traditional destinations, you’ll have the opportunity to make interesting discoveries. This is one of the many advantages the Italian peninsula offers. Covid-19, and the many restrictions we have experienced, between hopes and fears, in the …

Thursday, the 2nd of June is the anniversary of the historical referendum with which, in 1946, Italians abolished the monarchy and chose, also with the vote of women, the Republic. A collective celebration of unity for all the people of …

Poetry is more than the words making its verse, more than rhymes and assonances. It evokes entire worlds, paints feelings, creates sensations. It is, essentially, an expression of the soul, the way feelings communicate, a form of sharing. Poetry must …

Italy took center stage at this year’s edition of the Oscars, thanks to animation cinema. Credit goes to Marco Regina – the head of animation for The Windshield Wiper – who won a more-than-deserved award for the short, which he …

Just think of it: the blue Gulf of Naples and Mount Vesuvius in the background, Capri’s piazzetta,  the magic of Positano, hanging as it is on a cliff above the sea, the yellow of lemons … and a piping hot …