rita cipalla

It may look as though the French have taken over the Seattle Art Museum this fall, as the museum hosts a lavish exhibit on designer Yves Saint Laurent, but persevere and you can still experience a bit of Italy during …

The small town of Palazzolo Acreide, nestled along the rocky slopes of Sicily’s Iblei Mountains about 25 miles north of Siracusa, is a charming gem, combining opulent baroque architecture, several archeological ruins and a sophisticated gastronomic scene that belies its …

Just north of Spokane lies the tiny community of Clayton, Wash., population 443, founded in 1889 and named after the abundant clay deposits nearby. The town became home to the Washington Brick Company, renowned for its beautiful decorative tiles and …

The dark days and rainy nights so common to the Pacific Northwest in November are tailor-made for movie-going. Seattle’s popular Italian film festival, Cinema Italian Style, could not come at a better time. Now in its 8th season, Cinema Italian …

Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci might be famous for their early explorations of the New World, yet another Italian adventurer who commanded a four-year expedition to the Pacific Northwest, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand—said to be one of the …

Visitors to Tacoma’s Museum District are greeted by a mix of historic buildings as well as more modern structures, such as the Museum of Glass and the Tacoma Art Museum. It’s likely that most people don’t even notice the small …

With a gifted musician for a grandfather and an opera singer for an uncle, it’s no surprise that Rebecca Novelli chose an artistic path. A California native, she worked in southern California for years as a writer, editor and educator, …

In 1881, a stash of silver dollars, 936 of them to be exact, bought 320 acres of land overlooking the Spokane River in eastern Washington. At the time of the sale, the property was described as “the old piece of …

Since 1963, Lamborghini automobiles have topped the list when it comes to ultralight, ultrafast, ultracool sports cars. In 2007, to conduct research in carbon fiber materials, the luxury car company opened an innovative lab on the campus of the University …

With one of the most hotly contested presidential elections right around the corner, there’s a lot on the line for both candidates and voters alike. It’s also a make-or-break time for political reporters, whether print, broadcast or digital.   Perhaps …