L'italo-americano Staff

ROME – After the re-election of President Giorgio Napolitano, Italy has unblocked another problematic impasse, the establishment of a new government.   It will be the young center-left Democratic Party rising star, Enrico Letta, the head of an unprecedented left-right …

Rome – Giorgio Napolitano again made history on April 20 when he became the first Italian president to be re-elected.   It is a second big first for the 87-year-old, who also became the first former Communist to fill the …

Early this month, the Italian American Heritage Foundation of San Jose has presented a new exhibition dedicated to all the Italian Americans in the Santa Clara Valley.   The exposition, opened to the public last April 9, will be on …

 Chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Assunta a Dambel  Chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Assunta a Dambel È caratteristico per la posizione soleggiata e il clima mite che favorisce la crescita della famosa mela della Val di Non. Si trova tra …

Italy is the fourth biggest tourism destination in the world after France, the United States and Spain, and is the country with the highest number of UNESCO world heritage sites.   Nevertheless, its low growth and debt has forced the …

Marche, Calabria, Veneto; three of the regions of Italy introduced themselves to Californian tour operators and potential travelers, bringing a little of their atmosphere to Los Angeles.   Marche and Calabria were the special guests of this year’s edition of …

Asolo, comune veneto di 9.450 abitanti della provincia di Treviso.    Panoramica del centro collinare di Asolo   Panoramica del centro collinare di Asolo   Chiamata “la città dai cento orizzonti”, fa parte dei borghi più belli d’Italia. Si estende sul punto …

Over the last few decades, the Italian society has experienced a dramatic change. Italy, that once used to be a country of mass emigration, has begun to attract rising flows of foreign immigrants. That has pushed the country to take …

Fino al 30 aprile a Bologna, presso Palazzo D’Accursio, il progetto artistico “Colori e suoni delle origini”, una mostra che vede la collaborazione tra Andrea Benetti, artista noto a livello internazionale e autore del Manifesto dell’Arte Neorupestre presentato alla 53° …

ROME – A long-standing ban on the import of Italian salami to the United States due to Federal Drug Administration (FDA) rules against cured-pork meat imports will be lifted starting May 28, an announcement by the Animal and Plant Health …