L'italo-americano Staff
NAPLES – Despite heavy rain, between 30,000 and 100,000 protesters filled the roads in a long day of banner-filled marches calling for an end to camorra and pollution. Many protesters carried large photographs of their children and other relatives who …
Hône, comune di 1.163 abitanti della Valle d’Aosta. Si colloca al limite orientale della piana di Arnad, nella bassa Valle d’Aosta. Il territorio si estende a nord della Dora Baltea, all’imbocco della valle di Champorcher, ed è delimitato dal torrente …
Secondo i dati diffusi dal Ministero dei Trasporti, il mese di novembre si è chiuso con sole 102.201 immatricolazioni di autovetture nuove, segnando una nuova flessione del -4,54% rispetto a novembre 2012. Federauto, la Federazione Italiana Concessionari Auto (che …
Maretto, comune piemontese di 393 abitanti della provincia di Asti. Collocato sulle colline del Monferrato a 240 metri sul livello del mare, nei pressi di Villafranca d’Asti, il suo nome deriva dal latino Maletum cioè meleto, luogo caratterizzato dalla rilevante …
ROME – The traditional Vatican Christmas tree was recently raised in St Peter’s Square. The 25-meter fir that weighs 7,2 tons, chosen to decorate the church for the Eve Mass, was donated by the town of Waldmuenchen, in Germany. “We …
Applied Nuclear Energy Laboratory: Lena. A research center of the University of Pavia, in Northern Italy, the Applied Nuclear Energy Lab manages a nuclear reactor, a cyclotron for the production of radioisotopes and other sources of ionizing radiation. It is …
Pope Francis closed with a big Mass in St. Peter’s Square the “Year of Faith” proclaimed by his predecessor, emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. The year was launched on Oc-tober 2012 to encourage Catholics to deepen their understanding of the faith …
Italy mourned victims of a deadly and destructive cyclone that tore through the island of Sardinia, leaving towns completely destroyed, houses full of mud, streets collapsed, fields submerged, and at least 18 dead. This was an “apocalyptic” storm that felled …
Concluding the celebration of 2013: The Year of Italian Culture in the United States, the Museo Italo Americano in San Francisco, in partnership with the Italian Cultural Institute and the Consulate General of Italy, is showcasing a collection of images …
OME – Out of Parliament. The final verdict, after months of political tension and discussion on the item, arrived: the three-time ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi was ejected from the Senate, after a tax-fraud conviction. It was the most followed political …