L'italo-americano Staff

  As reported by the Institute for Conservation and Restoration, a 13th-century icon of the Madonna di Sant’Alessio is again shining in the Rectory Church of Saints Boniface and Alexius on Rome’s Aventine Hill following restoration work.     Experts …

The restoration of the 86 casts found in 1863 in Pompeii is now completed thanks to the technique developed by Giuseppe Fiorelli. Starting May 27, twenty of them will be displayed at the Amphitheatre of Pompeii for the exhibition “Pompeii …

Although the many celebrations of motherhood that took place around the world over thousands of years, the modern Mother’s Day was first celebrated in the US, when it became a recognized holiday in 1914 thanks to the hard work of …

Auguri a tutte le mamme! As L’Italo-Americano, we want to wish Happy Mother’s day to moms in the world! According to the Wall Street Journal, Italian Moms are the best because they are unique in the way they give love …

Per un giorno, tutti i visitatori potranno godere di una visita ai Giardini del Quirinale gratuitamente, in occasione della Festa della Repubblica. Infatti, questa è un’occasione da non perdere, visto che I Giardini sono aperti al pubblico solo in questo giorno …

We want to wish “Happy Independence Day” to all our fellow Americans! Indeed, July 4, 1776 is a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.  

Nei giorni scorsi è stata inaugurata alla Casa del Cinema di Roma, la mostra “Tanti Auguri Erico!”, dedicata ad Erico Menczer, uno dei più grandi direttori della fotografia del cinema italiano. L’esposizione durerà fino all’8 giugno 2015.    “L’8 maggio …

Ha chiuso con successo la 54^ edizione del Salone del Mobile di Milano e con un totale di 310.840 visitatori, confermando l’andamento dell’edizione 2013, anno in cui si sono svolte le biennali dedicate alla luce e all’ufficio. Nelle sole due …

If you are visiting Milan for the 2015 Expo, you cannot miss the reproduction of Madonnina, built by Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo and placed in the area where Nigeria’s pavilion should have been risen, at the beginning of the exposition’s main …

Saint Peter’s basilica in Rome and Milan’s cathedral are in the top ten landmarks chosen worldwide by TripAdvisor’s users, the popular travel website.    St Peter’s was chosen as the number six world place in the 2015 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice …