L'italo-americano Staff

Legend says that, on a cold and rainy day, a soldier from Rome named Martino, while riding his horse, saw a man on the road almost freezing because of the low temperature. Martino really wanted to help the man, but …

I corpi speciali dell’Esercito italiano sono pronti per entrare in azione. Allerta elevata al secondo livello perchè “l’Italia non è al sicuro, nessun Paese è al sicuro”. All’indomani delle stragi fondamentaliste a Parigi, per le quali manca all’appello Valeria Solesin …

Trentamila fedeli in fila sin dall’alba per partecipare alla messa con il Papa. Uno stadio che si è riempito di 55mila persone con un’ora e mezza d’anticipo sulla celebrazione. Francesco a Firenze, 29 anni dopo Giovanni Paolo II, lancia un …

While St. Martin’s day is November 11, in Tuscany everyone hopes for sunshine because the legend says that, after St Martin halved his cloak to keep warm the first shivering naked beggar he came across, God was so pleased that …

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Awards Jury chose Bosco Verticale as the “2015 Best Tall Building Worldwide” at the 14th Annual CTBUH International Best Tall Building Awards Symposium, Ceremony & Dinner, celebrated November 12 at the Illinois …

Amedeo Modigliani’s Nu Couché (Reclining Nude) sold for 170.4 million dollars at Christie’s Monday: the painting of an outstretched nude woman by the early-20th-century Italian artist was sold to Liu Yiqian, a former taxi driver turned billionaire art collector. It …

Italian diplomat Filippo Grandi is to head the UN refugee agency, succeeding Antonio Guterres. The choice was made considering the role Italy has got by being hard-hit by refugee inflows into Europe via the Middle East and northern Africa. Grandi …

The “Fucacoste and cocce priatorje” literally means “Bonfire and heads of purgatory”: between November 1 and 2, Orsara di Puglia, a small town in Southern Italy, hosts the bonfire night, considered the longest and brightest of the entire year. In …

Oltre 300 incontri tra piccole e medie imprese italiane e americane per scoprire reciproche opportunità d’investimento e partenariato. Sono state circa 140 le aziende europee e statunitensi coinvolte nell’ultimo degli otto eventi organizzati dalla Direzione generale per il mercato interno, …

Venice will celebrate Renaissance painter Andrea Meldolla, known as Schiavone, with an exhibition containing 140 works coming from international and Italian museums debuting at the Museo Correr on November 28. Schiavone was born in 1510 in Zara, which at the time …