L'italo-americano Staff

E’ tornato al cinema in versione restaturata, a cura del Centro sperimentale di Cinematografia, il film cult “Ricomincio da tre” a 35 anni dall’uscita nelle sale.  Nel 1981, un allora 27enne Massimo Troisi, regista e attore esordiente sul grande schermo, …

Alberobello, city of the trulli, expresses sympathy to all the world’s cities that have been victims of the destroying force of terror-disseminating people. Only a few weeks to Christmas: our wish is that the light of love among peoples may …

Italian conductor Gianandrea Noseda has been named the new music director of the National Symphony Orchestra at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He studied piano, composition and conducting in Milan. He furthered his conducting studies with …

Italian Natioanl broadcaster, RAI, has disclosed the list of singer who will participate in the 2016 edition of the Italian song contest, the so-called Festival di Sanremo.   The presenter Carlo Conti has announced the list of “Campioni” (well-known artists) …

Popular Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli performed an impromptu guitar short show in Times Square after noticing the severe level of homelessness in New York City. The performance raised over $500 in cash in less than 10 minutes, which Bocelli then …

Pandoro is an egg- and butter-rich bread baked in a traditional star-shaped pan. The biga helps keep it fresh right through the holidays!   Biga (Starter) 1 1/2 cups (6 1/4 ounces)    Unbleached All-Purpose Flour 1/2 cup (4 ounces) …

On December 17, 2015 at 8 p.m. at A.C.T.’s Strand Theater (1127 Market Street, San Francisco), the show is Leonardo’s true life portrayed on stage. Discovering the story behind Leonardo, the painter, the scientist, the inventor. His authentic language, his secrets, …

Fabiola Gianotti, CERN’s new Director-General, has taken over the functions as the head of the Organization on 1 January 2016 after being entrusted with the role last December by Rolf Heuer.  Initially student of Arts and Literature, she came to …

La regista, sceneggiatrice e produttrice Deepa Mehta, nota al grande pubblico per film capolavoro quali “La Trilogia degli Elementi” e “I figli della Mezzanotte”, è a Firenze per presentare la prima italiana del suo ultimo film “Beeba Boys”, ospite d’onore …

No matter what kind and when or where, it is not Christmas without Torrone di Cremona. And no holiday meal is the same without it at the dining table. Torrone, the most popular Italian nougat candy, which, together with pandoro …