L'italo-americano Staff

On May 15th the city of Gubbio celebrates La Corsa Dei Ceri, an ancient procession marking the eve of the death of Bishop Ubaldo Baldassini, Protector of Gubbio. Ceri is the Italian word for candles and, during this procession, the ceri …

Altomonte is a village that instantly charms with its stairways and alleys and the stunning Church della Consolazione, the best example of Gothic-Angevin art in Calabria. The village castle, of Norman origin (XII century), has been expanded and restored by …

The castle, dominating the tortuous medieval urban fabric of Montalbano, is the most recognizable landmark of this charming village, along with the scenic rocky landscape that surrounds it. Erected on pre-existing Byzantine and Arab structures, the castle was turned into …

If you are traveling to Venice these days, you will notice something different in the Canal Grande: two giant hands are sticking out of the water and they seem to be grabbing Ca’ Sagredo. The hands, between 24 and 27 feet …

Perched on a promontory with stunning views of the sea, Castelsardo is famous for the Casteddu quarter, a maze of narrow alleys that run across the old town. To this day, the historic center preserves the layout it has had …

Located within the National Park of Cilento, the old town of Castellabate has been recognized as UNESCO World Heritage site. Narrow streets, picturesque corners, graceful arches and stunning palaces in grey stone characterize this quaint town and give way to …

The scenic walled town of Otranto in Apulia is fascinating and rich in history: its stone paved streets, its alleys leading to the sea, and its ramparts make visitors swiflty fall in love with Otranto. The small Byzantine Basilica of …

These biscuits made during the Lent time are sweets of ancient tradition, produced by mixing sugar, water and almond paste. They are packaged in the form of small donuts and decorated with icing and sarsaparilla or devils (tiny beads of …

The Pasquetta day has historical and religious significance: indeed, Italian Catholics call it Lunedì dell’ Angelo which is meant to remember the women of the sepulcher, including Mary Magdalene, who were comforted by an angel when they returned to Jesus’ …

Quanta System, an Italian company belonging to the larger El.En. Group—a world leader in the design and production of lasers for science, industry, medicine and art conservation—has donated a sophisticated laser for art conservation to the John Paul Getty Museum …