…also allows visitors to enter the site up to three times on the same day. The bracelets can be purchases at the site ticket office, where a special reader…
…company officials said. Italy was the site of the first geothermal experiment a century ago that established the potential to harness renewable energy produced by the steam from hot water…
…Vangelo di Filippo Nel parco che circonda la Villa Medicea dell’Ambrogiana di Montelupo Fiorentino, si è inaugurata “Settantadue nomi – Italian Garden”, opera site-specific dell’artista Marco Bagnoli con cui il…
…working manually on the construction site directing all other workers, but gain a substantial role in designing their buildings, too, basing their projects on mathematics, geometry, engineering. But what knowledge…
Statement of Rights and Responsibilities By using this Web site you accept and agree to abide by the rules, guidelines, policies, terms and conditions of this site, as stated below….
“Blob-out” è un’installazione video artistica site-specific realizzata da Basmati Film (Audrey Coïaniz e Saul Saguatti) e Ditraverso con la collaborazione di Opificio Neirami, a cura di Silvia Grandi e Giuseppe…
According to ANSA, the Italian Ministry for culture and the archeological superintendency decided to set a limit to the amount of visitors permitted to enter ancient site Pompeii at…
…care of the first responders and volunteers at a disaster site is what the Soup Ladies do, or as their website puts it, warming the world one bowl at a…
…making the road pedestrian-only is to “allow access to the Metro C work site and avoid penalties in case of delays that could inflate that budget by several million euros”….
…cadenza biennale che, di volta in volta, selezionerà un artista internazionale al quale sarà commissionato un lavoro site specific per le quattro nicchie all’altezza del piano nobile della facciata che,…