Our Studentessa Matta kicks off the Holiday Season by preparing the “presepe”, the Nativity. Here how she did it!  I’m preparing the house for Christmas. I have just finished decorating…

…traveling to Italy and learning Italian in a small group immersion program? Join Melissa in Lucca in Tuscany and in Ascoli Piceno in le Marche this fall. Visit the www.StudentessaMatta.com…

Melissa explains a particular Italian expression “Cibo a kilometro zero”. Let’s find out what Italians mean by saying it! What do I mean by “food at zero miles” This expression…

In Italy it is a common practice to greet someone with a light kiss on both their cheeks. This holds true even if you are just newly acquainted or if…

Today we are taking a hop over to Florence. We will take a little excursion – a school trip if you like – to the cathedral. We will take a…

If you have ever been to Rome in the summer you surely have walked along the waterfront of the Tiber river at dusk. It is a happening place! It is…

…More from Melissa at http://www.studentessamatta.com/   Beyond the portico under the Palazzo della Ragione, you can make out another space: the Piazza del Duomo. In this part of the square you…

When I was in Lucca, I took a bike excursion around the walls with Susanna, one of the delightful teachers from Lucca Italian school. As I biked, Susanna a lot…

One of my favorite places in Florence is Orsanmichele. During a recent trip to Florence, as I was walking down Via Calzaiuoli, I was delighted to rediscover this beautiful building…

Did you know that S. Giovanni in Laterano in Rome is the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome – the Pope? Infact it is the oldest church in the world!…