
This year’s SOHO International Film Festival had its grand gala night at the “Sunshine Theatre” in the heart of Manhattan introducing the feature film “Uncomfortable Silence” by Italian producer Gabriele Altobelli and a docu-film by director Joseph Rezwin that honored …

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Il consiglio è venuto da Angela Merkel, a cui, nel recente viaggio a Berlino, Enrico Letta aveva chiesto lumi sul modo migliore per approcciare una coalizione mista, visto che anche il Cancelliere tedesco è a capo di un Governo caratterizzato …

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Friuli-Venezia Giulia (FVG) is notable for stretching from lagoons to the south to snow caped mountains in the north and plains and forests in between. This recipe combines the best attributes from the two extremes of FVG: the sea and …

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  It was like a Chamber of Commerce mixer on steroids.  Representatives from some of the most exclusive providers of Italian luxury products and services gathered at the Italian Consulate in San Francisco to mix and mingle with each other, …

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La squadra più “italiana” della Major League Soccer, il Montreal Impact, ha di recente fatto visita per la prima volta da quando milita nel campionato americano ai San Josè Earthquakes, in un incontro valevole per la quinta giornata della stagione. …

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“Beautiful” is one of the adjectives that perfectly match Italy, but it is also one of the words that is often used incorrectly. Generally speaking, when talking about beautiful places, one must keep an open mind: there is no such …

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The foot races of the Garibaldina Mutual Benefit Society, often organized for charitable purposes, commenced in front of the Italian Hall, the Society’s headquarters, on North Main Street in little Italy. This particular race, which took place circa 1917, captures …

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The San Diego Sicilian Festival celebrates its 20th anniversary this Sunday, May 19, in Little Italy.  Beginning at 10 AM until 6 PM, India Street and surrounding thoroughfares come alive with people, culture, color, food, live music, entertainment, dancers, a …

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Non esistono al mondo due culture che si siano perfettamente fuse e confuse l’una con l’altra come quella italiana e greca. Il “traffico” di merci, storia e arte avvenuto in quella parte del Mediterraneo si è protratto per secoli. Basti …

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Se le quote rosa fossero tutte così, difficilmente troveremmo qualcuno contrario alla loro approvazione. Non parliamo di politica, ma di ruote che per fortuna girano più velocemente: quelle delle biciclette dei professionisti che in queste settimane percorrono la penisola da …

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