Bologna: la grassa, la dotta, la rossa. Apt nicknames for the capital of Emilia-Romagna, which boasts a rich culinary tradition (grassa meaning fat), the oldest university in the Western world (hence dotta: learned), red roofs and left-leaning politics (as in …
For the past few years, San Francisco has without a doubt been the West Coast city where one is most likely to spot a new Fiat 500. Between the City’s narrow streets and challenging parking situation, the Fiat 500 …
Dear Readers, On July 4th let me refresh your memory and mine on the Declaration of Independence, signed July 4, 1776 (in Philadelphia) and learn about Italian and Italian American contributions to the American Revolutionary War. Although the colonists …
In my last column, we opened the wine book on the big, stately and beautiful wine country of Sonoma and stretched our legs at Jordan Winery, the 1,200 acre Bordeaux style winery and vineyard just north of Healdsburg. This week …
Ritmo, colore, passione: Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino vi porta in Salento, Puglia, terra della pizzica! Reduci dal seguitissimo festival texano South By Southwest e da uno show che ha fatto ballare il pubblico del Memorial Park di Pasadena, il gruppo cambia …
È un nuovo esodo. E stavolta la motivazione che spinge al viaggio oltre Oceano non è la disoccupazione, bensì il sogno. Venti giovani promesse del calcio femminile italiano vivranno, all’ombra dello Space Needle, due mesi entusiasmanti indossando la casacca …
Anche quest’anno si è svolta, la meravigliosa infiorata di Genzano di Roma, unica nel suo genere e famosa in tutto il mondo, caratterizzata dalla messa in scena di un incantevole tappeto floreale combinato dai migliori maestri infioratori. Questa celebrazione, seppur …
Among the initiatives celebrating 2013, Year of the Italian Culture in the United States, the residence of Consul General of Italy Giuseppe Perrone has recently become La Casa all’Italiana in Los Angeles, hosting gorgeous design works by Italian renowned artist …
The Declaration of Independence was a bold statement of human rights, based on the then radical principle that government derives its power from the consent of the governed, an idea that was even more radical when it was put forth …
Contemporary jazz hits the stage of the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles. Sottovoce (literally “softly”) was the title of this performance, a unique combination of traditional and contemporary music, a lyrical musical journey where folk, jazz, and classical sounds …