
Fino a pochi anni fa, agli italiani, l’arrivo della bella stagione poneva principalmente una domanda: dove si va, quest’anno, in vacanza? Oggi, invece, con la crisi che morde, anzi imperversa, i mesi estivi sono un periodo buono per stringere ancora …

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Genius Loci is a Latin term, meaning spirit of place.  Geographers, historians, and other scholars use it to refer to that element, or quality, or founding principle, that makes a place uniquely itself, that pervades or gives rise to, as …

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Bypassing  the strong visual power of the romantic canals of Venice, the breath-taking views inside and outside Tuscany, a portrait of Rome by night and a snapshot of the emerald Sardinian sea, it is not an easy goal.   From …

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I have long imagined since childhood that the garden and all of its living creatures—plants and animals—is a place where the elements of earth, air, water, and fire are transformed, distilled into the gifts of life. And certainly, photosynthesis, among …

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Durante la seconda decade del 1900, l’Italia fu coinvolta nella Prima Guerra Mondiale quando l’Austria, che aveva impellente necessità d’uno sfocio sull’Adriatico, continuava ad esercitare con violenza la sua oppressione sulla italianissima città di Trieste.   Per cinque secoli Trieste …

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“Ho acquistato un senso dell’appartenenza che non avevo mai sentito”, “non siamo buoni né a ricostruire né a protestare”.    Due delle tante frasi colte durante lo spettacolo di cine-teatro “Aquilane, voci e visioni da una città dispersa” messo in …

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Dolomites soar in Edoardo Ponti’s last film. These harsh and intimidating mountains at first sight, become the finishing line of a journey towards a new life.   “The Night Shift Belongs to the Stars” is a short film based on …

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There was a time, in Ancient Rome, when it was customary to eat with only three fingers, while leaving the ring finger and little finger uninvolved.  Only a person lacking sophistication and grace used all five fingers. With the morphing …

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Ogni libro è per me un ineffabile campo di battaglia: lo leggo con matita e risme di evidenziatori, lo riempio di post-it, lo umilio di orecchiette, lo chioso di una simbologia personale e altri folli codici crittografati di mia invenzione. …

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Seafood salad is served all over Italy: anywhere near the sea and with ready access to seafood, which is most of the country. This is also a traditional dish for Christmas Eve, but in the case of a hot day …

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