Renato Turano

I recently had the chance to spend some time in various cities in the United States and Canada, where I attended several community events and celebrations. These are great opportunities for me to get in touch with my constituents and …

Just a few days before Christmas, the Italian Senate approved the so-called legge di stabilità (Stability Law), which focuses on the government’s budget for 2015. It will be a year of sacrifices, but there are a few positive elements to …

With a swift decision that has taken many by surprise, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to call for the election of Comites (Comitati degli Italiani all’Estero) on Dec. 19. There are several aspects of this upcoming election that …

Italy is heading into a critical period of change this fall. The reform of the Senate went through a first reading in Parliament in the summer and will now have to face three more readings in both the Senate and …

We kick off the New Year with some good news for all communities of Italians living abroad. In November, the Italian government decided to postpone elections for the renewal of Comites (Committees of Italians Living Abroad). The new election date …

In late January, the Italian Senate approved a new electoral law that will hopefully help our country find more political stability and leave behind a system that produced too much bureaucracy. There are certainly many positive aspects to the new …