paige hoffman
It’s winter in Milan, no question about it. Grey skies and a chilled drizzle characterize this non-jolly time of year, sending residence scurrying for the warmth of a nearby café or bar. Nevertheless, this winter there was one more reason …
Traveling down Olympic Blvd in Beverly Hills California, there is no shortage of rubberneck worthy Italian luxury cars revving their engines towards the next stoplight. Lamborghinis, Ferraris and perhaps less well known to the average American, the Maserati, …
‘Tis the season for dreams to come true, and if your specific dream is to own an affordable home in Italy, happy holidays to you. In the small hillside hamlet of Gangi, Sicily, village officials faced with a …
In the United States, autumn is the season filled with pumpkins, football and falling leaves, but in another corner of the planet, an entire continent turns its focus towards a delicacy shared by communities around the world: chocolate. Comfortably situated …
De Niro. He is recognized as one of the most successful Italian Americans in the world today, with a set of unmistakably dark inky eyes, which convey everything from calm murderous rage to pure tenderness. The actor, who …
This holiday season, the United Nations headquarters in New York City will have the rare opportunity to host an exhibit featuring the original writings of St. Francis of Assisi, known the world over as the patron saint of animals, the …