Michele Pluss
When one thinks of the traditional Italian pastimes, several things come to mind: Food. Wine. Art. Music. Talking. And…Golfing? It may not be your traditional game of bocce ball, but members of the Italian American Golf Association of San Diego …
When I say ‘clowns,’ what do you think of? Big red noses? Comically over-sized shoes? Balloon animals and small cars with enough trunk space to make Mary Poppins’ duffel bag look like a coin purse? Ruggero Leoncavallo’s world-famous opera “Pagliacci” …
There is an old adage that says those who cannot do, teach. Well, San Diego-based illustrator and artist Christopher Paluso is debunking that myth along with another saying: Those who (think they) cannot draw, can. Beginning next month, Paluso …
The earliest known reference to baseball ever recorded in American history dates back to the late18th century in Massachusetts. The first team who played under modern rules – the New York Knickerbockers – dates back to the mid-19th century. Over …
The extent of my chalk paintings date back to hot, sunny childhood days when my mother would unearth the sidewalk chalk from the garage and let me have the run of the sidewalk in front of our house. By the …