Maria Gloria Rando
Dear Readers, Here are a few songs for your Christmas Sing-along: TU SCENDI DALLE STELLE Tu scendi dalle stelle, O re del Cielo, E vieni in una grotta, Al freddo e al gelo; O bambino mio divino, Io ti vedo qui tremar, O …
Dear Readers, October, the month we traditionally celebrate our Italian Heritage, has unfortunately become the month when mean-spirited slings, arrows and Columbus bashers come out in full force. But be vigilant, those who wish to discredit us are busy throughout …
Dear Readers, A September selection of Italian Connections for you: United States Postage Stamps with an Italian connection, are the focus of Gerardo Perrotta’s newly published book Phila-Italy Americana, Italian Themes on United States Postage Stamps, in hardcover, softcover, E-book …
Dear Readers, In memory of Vincenzo, my September-born father, the “Sheik of Brook Ave.” (Bronx, N.Y.) and gents of a certain age who were once “Sheik wannabes” on the streets of Little Italys throughout the world, I thought I would …