Maria Gloria Rando

Dear Readers, Italian American Digest, the quarterly publication of the American-Italian Renaissance Foundation, and the Italian American voice of the Southeast, founded by the late Joseph Maselli, in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1973 turned forty this year. The late Joe …

Dear Readers, January jottings from my “A” file with an Italian connection:   Avanti Awards, the Dinner and Artist Showcase and yearly fundraising event of the Joseph and Frances Brucia Foundation will take place on January 24, 2014, at 5:30pm …

Dear Readers, November, the month that begins with All Saints Day (Nov. 1), a feast which had its beginnings in the Christian churches of the fifth and sixth centuries where we celebrate and remember all saints canonized or not and …

Dear Readers, L’Italo-Americano began publishing in 1908 and 105 years later is the only weekly Italian American “contenda” still standing in the state of California, western United States and Canada. L’Italo-Americano is the only newspaper that celebrates our heritage and …

Dear Readers, Veteran’s Day, formerly Armistice Day, originally meant war’s end. On November 11, 1918, the Armistice Agreement was signed and fighting on all battlefields ceased at 11 a.m. The guns of World War I fell silent. After 4 long …

Dear Readers, January, the month of Fresh Starts and Resolutions, even if just symbolic, are a useful way to put momentum behind good intentions. Resolutions can also draw you to to brighter place because they are inherently optimistic. If one …

Dear Readers, Happy New Year 2014 and as you list your New Year resolutions be sure to include giving gift subscriptions to L’Italo-Americano to all your friends and relatives throughout the year. ***   Readers with “studenti” in the family …

Dear Readers, The San Francisco 49ers’ quest for their first Super Bowl title in nearly two decades evaporated a few Sundays ago when they came up 18 yards short, in a 23-17 loss to the Seattle Seahawks in the NFC …

Dear Readers, More January jottings with an Italian connection: Avanti…Our Italian Heritage New Year resolutions should include becoming more active in Italo-American organizations. Admittedly, some of the sparkly has dimmed due to the fact that many of our beloved leadership …

Dear Readers, November notes and thoughts on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2013.  From George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation: Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to  recommend to the people of the United States a …