Maria Gloria Rando

Dear Readers, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, observed on January 19th this year, reminds me of some bits of Black History with an Italian connection:   American Republican politician, Edward Brooke III, died on January 3, 2015 at age 95, …

Dear Readers, February dates with an Italian connection: Amerigo Vespucci (1452-1512) was born in February. He is the Florentine sailor, merchant and map maker who gave his name, Amerigo, to America. He entered the service of the Medici and lived …

Dear Readers, In February we traditionally pause to celebrate lovers (Valentine’s Day) and Presidents. Once Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12) and George Washinton (Feb. 22) were honored individually; now they are collectively celebrated on Presidents’ Day (Feb. 16.). Our third President, …

Dear Readers, President Sergio Mattarella, who assumed office in February as the 12th President of Italy, was born in Palermo (Sicily) some 73 years ago. Unlike some of Italy’s more flamboyant politicians, President Mattarella drives a Fiat Panda. He is …

Dear Readers, Christmas Sing-Alongs are always fun be they in Italian, English or a little bit of both. Here are some lyrics to help you get started: Christmas Sing-alongs in Italian TU SCENDI DALLE STELLE Tu scendi dalle stelle, O Re del …

Dear Readers, A March Mix of Italian connections for you: Italy, with annexations, became united on March 17, 1861, and with a population of twenty-two million, the kingdom of Sardinia was replaced by the Kingdom of Italy. Victor Emanuel II …

Dear Readers,   The 126th Tournament of Roses Parade, held on the first day of each New Year in Pasadena, California, had its theme this year “Inspiring Stories”. Featured was a “riderless horse” that represented Grand Marshall Louis Zamperini, a …

Dear Readers, March brings shamrocks and my annual “St. Patrick was Italian” column: A “St. Patrick was Italian” remark, tossed into your March conversations, can ignite boring talk into boiling talk if you have some conversational fodder handy, to buttress …

Dear Readers,   April – Aprile comes from the Latin word aperire which means to open.   1. April Fool’s Day is a day people usually play silly pranks, so be alert. The United States orbited the first weather satellite …

Dear Readers, January is named after Janus, the Roman god of doorways, beginnings and endings. According to Roman mythology, Janus, an ancient king of Italy, was the son of Apollo and Creusa. Husband of Jana, father of Iberius by Camasena, …