Gaya Lynn

On stage, there is little room for amateurs. Sure, on the radio, one hit wonders and digitally enhanced voices are all too common. But in front of a live audience, especially a discerning one, only those singers who are equipped …

Back in the good ol’ days, come Friday night, Americans would run home, turn on the radio, and sit back and listen to their favorite shows. From the 1920s to the 1950s, it was a time in history commonly referred …

Moments in life are all too quick, and all too passing. That first bacio, that glance at the pretty girl who smiles back, the first time you saw Michelangelo’s Il Davide and stood in awe,  wondering how on earth did …

Sometimes, in life, we see a person do one thing and that one thing defines the very essence of who he or she is.  Maybe it is the way you cook, that precise blending of ingredients, which shows what a …

By the time I was sixteen, I clearly understood that Italian fashion was something special and like no other, and this revelation came the day I got my first Gucci catalog in the mail.   Keep in mind, my wardrobe …

No doubt. When it comes to acting, screenwriting, or even funding a major movie, women have excelled in every sector of the entertainment industry. But the one area where females have yet to reign supreme is in the director’s chair. …

The first thing that I notice about actress Marina Pennafina is her voice. There are some voices that I could sit back and listen to all day. She possesses one of them.  It is sultry, intelligent, rich.  And while looking …

Google the name Enrico Lo Verso, and a funny thing happens. Instead of being bombarded by a long litany of past scandals, temper tantrums and wild extravagant spending associated with most big named stars, you will instead find a list …

The life of Massimo Troisi ended all too soon. But what a life he had, and what a gift he gave.  Born in the small town of San Giorgio a Cremano near Napoli, Massimo seemed to have a singular mission …

In life and in art, we treasure and often pay for what we deem most precious.    Whether it be a Michelangelo or a Modigliani,  your daughter’s fourth grade creation, or that porcelain vase your Sicilian grandmother bestowed on you …