Gaya Lynn

In its heyday, Laguna Beach, a seaside city in Orange County, was il centro of a rich and flourishing artist colony.  All along the Pacific Coast, “en plair air” (in open air) artists were seen with their brushes and easels, …

It has been said that Latin is dead. Truth be told, so is that fern on my porch after a week of scorching heat. But what is very much alive is the love for the Italian culture and language. And …

The Italian Spirit is alive and well, and it was in full swing at the city of Orange. International Fair.  This past Labor Day weekend, despite the scorching summer heat, the Fair turned out record crowds.  With musicians playing everything …

Some people are dreamers, some are doers, while some like CEO Ilaria Niccolini are both. Within the last fifteen years,  Ilaria has single handedly created a PR empire. From Milano to Los Angeles, her PR firm spans around the globe …

Piergiorgio is not your average Gio. Nor is his life. Expert winemaker, surfer, and actor. Not the usual list of job titles seen on one’s resume  But that is what makes Piergiorgio Castellani’s life so gloriously unique. Born in Montecalvoli, …

Winning an award in the entertainment industry is often much more than just a pat on the back or placing a trophy on your fire mantle; instead, it carries with it the immense satisfaction of being recognized by one’s peers, …

At the beginning of Enrico Franceschini’s book, “Voglio l’America,” there is a quote. Not just any quote. But a quote that signifies the essence of the American dream.  “If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere.” * …

Domanda: Leggendo le tue interviste, hai detto che sei un uomo che riesce a stare bene anche da solo. Oggi come oggi molti non sanno ne vogliono essere soli. Ecco perché c’è sempre il computer accesso, il rumore e la …

Presentatore, Intrattentore, Speaker, Attore, e Giornalista Pubblicista. Cultore della canzone classica Napoletana. Nel Maggio 2014 scrive con la poetessa Tina Piccolo (“l’ambasciatrice della poesia nel mondo”)  un libro, Napoli Nel Cuore. Nel 2014, a sua rubrica, “Occhio all”Artista’ in cui …

You know you’re making a name for yourself when fanmade Youtube videos, showcasing a montage of your photos, start popping up over the internet; or when adoring tweens and their even more adoring moms stop you for an autograph on …