Francesca Bezzone
90 years of age are a great achievement, especially when considering the foresight and vision of those who had the intuition to bet everything on the Seventh Art which, back then, was an artistic Avant-Garde still moving its first steps. …
Dear readers, More Italian connections. Our 22nd state, Alabama, I was surprised to learn, had many early Italians. However, unlike the Italians that settled in Arkansas and Tontitown circa 1896, who emigrated from the northern Alpine regions of Italy, at …
Is there anything more magical, I wonder, than being in a place like Rome, or Florence, for the first time? The emotion of finally seeing “for real” what we have known all our lives from pictures in books, TV documentaries, …
The Advent period is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas, as well as the return of Jesus at the second coming. The term “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning …
Dear Readers, Flag Day, June 14, 2023, is the anniversary of the adoption of our American flag, June 14, 1777. First designated for US observance in 1895, it is not a legal holiday but is widely celebrated, especially in schools and …